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Please use this form to report your ASOS (action short of a strike) to HR - but only if the action meets the criteria for pay deduction. You do not need to complete HR's on-line form - the return of the printed output of this system meets our legal requirement to inform our employers after ASOS action has completed.

No inputted data is saved - you should print out the resulting PDF.

(a) A marking and assessment boycott;
(b) Not covering for absent or unavailable colleagues;
(c) Not using University on-line systems on Fridays;
(d) Not rescheduling lectures, classes, appointments, meetings, or other tasks cancelled due to industrial action;
(e) Not engaging in meetings of over 50 minutes in duration;

(f) Not sending emails before 9.00 am, or after 5.00 pm;
(g) Not undertaking any voluntary activities;
(h) Not undertaking work beyond that contracted.

DateTick for (a)Tick for (b)Tick for (c)Tick for (d)Tick for (e)Comment to pass to HR
2021-05-03 Monday
2021-05-04 Tuesday
2021-05-05 Wednesday
2021-05-06 Thursday
2021-05-07 Friday
2021-05-08 Saturday
2021-05-09 Sunday

The industrial action reporting slips can be sent (separately) to your line manager, your head of department, Human Resources or the Vice Chancellor.

Return the slip for all days even if you did not undertake ASOS on that particular day