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News Archives

Strike Dates: November 2022

Published: 11th November, 2022

When we are striking: Why we are striking: The UK university sector generated a record income of £41.1bn last year with vice chancellors collectively earning an estimated £45million. The sector can more than afford to meet staff demands. Industrial action, and a strong mandate for action from 70000 members in the UK, is the leverage needed to bring employers…

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Trade Union Law & Industrial Action

Published: 4th April, 2022

Our current mandate for industrial action in the name of the Four Fights and in defence of USS Pensions expires on 3 May. As you know, we are reballoting members in order to prolong the action. This is necessary due to the restrictions imposed by the Trade Union Act 2016. The law places UCU (and…

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Picket Post: Why I’m Striking

Published: 16th February, 2022

In this first edition of our new series of Picket blog posts, one Leicester UCU member reflects on why they’re striking. If you would like to contribute to this ongoing series, please forward any pieces to Cara Dobbing, Communications Officer ( This may be a reflection of a particular day’s picketing, or a wider reflection…

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Strike Action

Published: 31st January, 2022

Leicester UCU and its members will be on strike for 5 days, 21-25 March. This is in defence of the four fights (working conditions, equality pay gaps, pay increases and casualisation), and to defend members’ USS pensions. Information about the two disputes can be found here. This action follows strikes at the beginning of December…

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What is Happening to Your USS Pension?

Published: 8th September, 2021

Summary of USS pension issues  The scheme *appears* to have a big deficit – mainly because the last valuation was done when the stock market was at a deep low because of the COVID pandemic. The market has rebounded, so an updated valuation would show that USS is a healthy scheme. But the USS trustees…

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