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News Archives

‘Rogue’ marks: What to do?

Published: 14th June, 2023

With the ongoing Marking and Assessment Boycott, some parts of the University will have their processes of progression and graduation delayed. The current Senate regulations allow managers in the University to appoint alternative markers to undermine the MAB, by producing ‘rogue’ marks. We consider rogue marks to be problematic, because they are usually not awarded…

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Leicester UCU to Strike: No to Wage Theft

Published: 7th June, 2023

Leicester UCU branch will take strike action as part of the ongoing industrial action over pay and conditions in UK universities. Strike action will occur on these dates: We regret that we have been forced to escalate our action. This reflects the punitive response to our Marking & Assessment Boycott (MAB) by university management and…

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Letter to Nishan Canagarajah

Published: 23rd May, 2023

In light of our branch voting to escalate to local strike action, this letter was sent to the Vice Chancellor on 23 May 2023. Response from Nishan Canagarajah, received 31 May 2023

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MAB Student Resources

Published: 26th April, 2023

UCU Marking and Assessment Boycott: Info for students at the University of Leicester We are members of the University and College Union (UCU). We are your seminar tutors, professional services staff, and lecturers. We teach you, we support and guide you, and we do the research you rely on.  Along with thousands of other UCU…

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Marking & Assessment Boycott

Published: 21st April, 2023

The elected representatives on UCU’s higher education committee (HEC) voted to begin a marking and assessment boycott (MAB) from Thursday 20 April 2023. This means that from Thursday 20 April 2023, all UCU members in higher education institutions which are part of the pay and working conditions dispute to cease undertaking all summative marking and associated assessment activities/duties. The boycott…

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Pay Award Imposition

Published: 1st March, 2023

UCEA to impose pay “award” It will have come as a surprise to many UCU members to hear that UCEA, the university employers’ body, have imposed the 2023-2024 pay “award” and are not open to further negotiation with unions in higher education. This came within days of UCEA agreeing a two-week “period of calm” with…

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Leicester UCU on Strike!

Published: 1st February, 2023

Wednesday 1 Feb saw 70000 UCU members on strike, along with over 500000 workers in the UK. Thanks to all those who made our pickets incredibly strong, and joined us on the rally in the city centre, where we joined other unions on strike in Leicester. Here are a selection of pictures of the day….

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Strike Dates: February & March

Published: 25th January, 2023

When we are striking: Why we are striking: The UK university sector generated a record income of £41.1bn last year with vice chancellors collectively earning an estimated £45million. The sector can more than afford to meet staff demands. Industrial action, and a strong mandate for action from 70000 members in the UK, is the leverage needed to bring employers to the…

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Statement: Cost of Living Measures

Published: 5th October, 2022

Leicester UCU appreciates the measures introduced by the Executive Board to help ease pressures of the cost of living crisis. For reference (as communicated by the Vice Chancellor on 6/09 to all staff) these are: Overall reduction in monthly car park charges from the 1 October Travel for free on the University shuttle bus that…

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LUCU September Bulletin

Published: 16th September, 2022

Welcome to Leicester UCU’s monthly bulletin. Here we share the latest branch news and work that has been going on, and how you can get involved in upcoming events. For news on national UCU campaigns, see here. This edition is a ucuRising special, as our new national campaign and ballot for action is now underway. Full…

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