Published: 17th March, 2020
Since our picket lines ended last week it feels like a lot has changed – indeed it has. The Coronavirus situation has, quite understandably, overtaken all our lives. Whilst we understand that there is a lot of fear and worry right now, we would like to assure you that we are working with the University…
Published: 13th March, 2020
It was another bright and beautiful day on the Leicester pickets. Good information had been shared and discussed on day 13 about the spread COVID-19, and as a result, planned activities on the picket line were moved online or rescheduled and leafletting cancelled. Our picketing went ahead, and members were encouraged to stay home if…
Published: 12th March, 2020
It was a bright, beautiful and brisk day on the pickets as we gathered once again to fight for fair compensation and decent working conditions in Higher Education. Tomorrow is Day 14 of this period of strike action, Day 22 of strikes in this dispute, and Day 36 of strike action in the fight for…
Published: 11th March, 2020
Luckily it was a beautifully sunny day on Leicester UCU’s pickets today, but still very cold so yesterday’s furry attire came in handy once again. And we welcomed a new furry friend brought down by one of our #Profs OnPickets Today was the 12th day of the current 14 day stint (that’s Day 20 if you include the…
Published: 24th February, 2020
Last week Leicester UCU members rejected a deal put to us by the University’s leadership team on pay deductions and campus demonstrations. Following that rejection, the vice-chancellor and his deputy made us an improved offer, as follows: Our employer would spread deductions over five months, beginning with two days’ deduction in May and three days’ deduction in…
Published: 17th February, 2020
This is the Leicester UCU Strike Handbook 2020 – covering all strike plans and advice for the strike taking place between 20th February and 13th March. This page will be updated as strike plans and events change – please check regularly for updates. Last revision: 10 March 2020 Contents Strike action reporting Picket line locations…
Published: 28th January, 2020
Last week we emailed all members of Leicester UCU asking whether they supported the following motion, which was suggested by UCU members elsewhere. We also asked for more general views (free-form text response) on the conduct of our ‘four fights’ dispute (on pay, gender pay gap, casualistion and workloads). The motion is below. We stressed…
Published: 12th December, 2019
How much do you know about University of Leicester, Leicester UCU and the key events of 2019 in the sector we work and struggle in? Test your knowledge against our end-of-year quiz. You can either answer the questions online or print out a copy. Why not make several copies and do them with your workmates…
Published: 6th December, 2019
We have heard from some colleagues and friends that the ‘panto’ that we gave during the strike upset some people. We sincerely apologise for causing any distress to our peers and colleagues. Our intention was to use the satire and parody of a particular case to highlight some of the widespread and incredibly damaging problems…
Published: 5th December, 2019
”Conflict is not abuse, criticism is not abuse…sometimes parody is all we have left.” – Dr Jo Grady We gave you a taste of what went on on our picket lines on the last day of #UCUStrikesBack yesterday. There was dance, music and song, there were the usual cakes and samosas, the Christmas Tree of…